theFantomGoatSGOAT Charges Forward: Building Value and Driving Fantom’s EcosystemA wise man once said “Don’t judge a goat by the amount of noise they make but by the toughness of the terrain they conquer.” The SGOAT team…May 20May 20
theFantomGoatFantom (FTM) Outshines the Market: A Look at What’s Driving the SurgeOver the past month, Fantom (FTM) has been a beacon of strength in the often-volatile cryptocurrency market. While other tokens have…Mar 31Mar 31
theFantomGoatCan Fantom Rise Again? Whales, Sonic, and the Fight for RedemptionFantom, a shining star in the 2021 bull run, has faced its fair share of challenges in recent years. From Founder Andre Cronje’s abrupt…Feb 31Feb 31